Samoa Language Week 2024: Julia Mata'i
Julia is a part of our host and administration team, she has been with us for a while now and is a great team member here at Etu Pasifika Canterbury (EPC). You may have heard Julia on the phones when booking an appointment with the clinic.

 What does it mean to you to be Samoan?  

I can’t choose who I am, I was born Samoan and it means a lot to me, because Samoa is my Heritage from God and yes I am proud to be a Samoan, this is because we have a unique God given culture that makes us different from the rest of the islands and the world at large. 

What Villages do you hail from?  

Fusi Saoluafata, Salelesi, Lano, Asau 

How do you keep your culture and language alive here in New Zealand? 

We speak the language at home, pastoring two Samoan churches, and I attend my Samoan community activities. 

What is a Samoan quote or proverb that you admire?  

O le ala i le pule ole tautua – the way to authority is to serve 

What is your favourite Samoan food? 

Faalifu ufi and taufolo 

Has there ever been a time in your life where you struggled with your identity as a Samoan living in New Zealand?  

No, Never. 

What is your advice for the up-and-coming NZ born Samoan generations?  

No matter where you are born, you will always be identified as a Samoan, so be proud of your culture and humble beginnings. 

What do you love about Samoa and its culture? 

Culture is all about respect and there is no place like home….where everything is free, given and received with love. 


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