Samoa Language Week 2024: Jessica Maiava
Jess is a part of our host and administration team, she has joined us recently. She brings a big warm smile that you may have seen when coming into the clinic.

 What Villages on the homeland do you hail from? 

Vaimea, Apia – Sato’alepai, Savaii 

 How do you keep your culture and language alive here in New Zealand?  

Try to keep the culture and language alive through food, music, and conversations with family 

 What is a Samoan quote or proverb that you admire? 

O le ala ‘I le pule o le tautua – The pathway to Leadership is service 

 What is your favourite Samoan food? 

Koko alaisa 

 Has there ever been a time in your life where you struggled with your identity as a Samoan living in NZ?  

Not speaking the language growing up, I struggle a little now when trying (or wanting) to conversate with elderly (and now patients in clinic) 

 What is your advice for the up-and-coming NZ born Samoan generations?  

Get in there, give it a go and be proud (wish I had told myself that growing up). Also, Samoans are notorious for mocking, but they’d be WAY more proud of you for trying!  

 What do you love about Samoa and its culture? 

Fresh food, fresh air, fresh seawater, fresh peop… jokes. Untouched nature! 


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