Men's Health Week 2023 - Dr Leone Vadei
A familiar face at Etu Pasifika Canterbury, Dr Leone Vadei shares his thoughts about health and wellbeing, and how important it is to talk about topics that are often seen as taboo – especially amongst Pacific men.

This week is Men’s Health Week – why do you think it’s important to talk about men’s health? 

Often Men do not openly  talk about their Health or healthy living as a topic of daily conversation – maybe due to cultural or macho personal factors, or other reasons, so it is important that we encourage such discussions. Men have higher rates of Cardiovascular disease and other non-communicable diseases than women, so the need is there for us men to be open about our health and its importance. Culturally, Pacific men are less keen or open about health and often shun away from such discussions as we feel we need to keep it private or taboo to discuss, things like sexual health, mental health, our dietary practices etc. This is slowly changing, but I feel more needs to be done and encouraged. 

Why is health and well-being important to you? 

Being a role model for our people and for the population at large, it is important that I maintain good health and try my best to live long. 

 What do you do to keep yourself healthy? 

Exercise and eat healthy – as much as I am able. Obviously there is always room for improvement or to do more and better. 

What’s your go-to meal? 

Mediterranean meals – because there is always a balance with the carbs, proteins(meats) and vegetables in each meal. 

Your favourite proverb/mantra/quote/song that keeps you feeling positive? 

“Most of the burdens in life is what you carry around in your head! Look around you and breathe, the world is not as bad as we think it is!” 

What’s your favourite physical wellness activity? 

Going for a walk with my family. The physical exercise is one part of it, but just as important are the conversations (especially with my kids), laughter and banter. We come home afterwards with improved mental and spiritual health as well as the physical. I always look forward to those times! 

What’s one wellness tip or piece of advice you can share to encourage others this week? 

Never let your happiness be dictated by others, happiness comes from within. 


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