Etu Pasifika Canterbury to run vaccination clinic for the school holidays
The team at Etu Pasifika Canterbury will be running a vaccination clinic this week and next to encourage those under 18 to get vaccinated; the clinic is an opportunity for people to get up to date with all their immunisations including the flu, MMR and Covid-19 shot.

With the school holidays having started, Clinical Director for Etu Pasifika Canterbury, Dr Monica Nua-George, is encouraging families to bring their children along to get vaccinated. 

"It's important for us to keep families up to date with immunisations to ensure they are protected from preventable diseases such as whooping cough and measles.  

"Our communities live busy lives with work and family commitments so we want to utilise the school holidays to help provide access for our families while they have time off with their kids." 

Dr Nua-George emphasises that the vaccination clinic is open for anyone to get vaccinated, not just school aged kids. 

"We welcome all family members to get vaccinated also; we have the flu, Covid-19 and measles vaccinations available. Our team can assist those who are unsure about whether they are due for any vaccinations.  

"Keeping ourselves up to date with vaccinations should be part of our family health plans and this is part of what will help to keep us well  and at lower risk of catching diseases that can be life threatening." 

The vaccination clinic will operate out of the Etu Pasifika Canterbury Clinic at 31 Tuam Street from today (Thursday 13 April) to Friday 21 April. People can call 0800 388 727 to book an appointment; walk-ins are also available throughout the week. Late nights are Wednesday and Thursday.  


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