Etu Pasifika Auckland, formerly known as Mt Wellington Integrated Healthcare, is an Integrated Primary Care, Whānau Ora service - providing a range of support services delivered by Pacific health professionals, trained and skilled community workers and Navigators.
Etu is Cook Islands Maori for 'star'. The stars are used by our people now, and were used by our ancestors to navigate the biggest ocean in the world at night where they discovered new horizons, new beginnings and new civilisations. The fifteen islands that make up the Cook Islands is represented by the fifteen stars. This combined symbolism is a constant reminder to the Etu Pasifika team that even in times of crisis and uncertainty, we shine bright for our families and are faithful to our core values. This will allow us to rise above any challenges together, and help us navigate towards a brighter and better future with the families we serve.
Iti tangata, Ruperupe e te Mataora — People, Prosperity, Happiness
Etu Kaveinga e te aroa no te iti tangata – Guiding Star With Care And Love For The People
With our Vision, Purpose and Guiding Values we strive to achieve four aspirational outcomes for Pacific families:
Pacific families and communities are strong in language and culture and achieving educational success throughout their lifetime
Pacific families are smoke free, managing their health in partnership with health professionals, and are able to manage their mental health and wellbeing needs
Medium outcome: Pacific businesses are economically viable and well connected to, and supported by, the community
Strong relationships, partnerships, and governance to achieve their outcomes
Pacific families are prepared & able to respond in times of crisis and disaster.
Our work is guided by the aspirations of the community and families. The five areas ensure that families are able to access the support they need.

Our dedicated team of professionals and healthcare workers are passionate about serving and supporting families from the community because they too are part of the same community. At every level of our organisation, we reflect the values of the Pacific communities we serve - committed to achieving our vision and purpose of "Iti tangata ruperupe e te Mataora” People, Prosperity, Happiness.